
Shawn Edwards

Chief Technology Officer, Bloomberg LP, New York

Shawn Edwards is Bloomberg’s Chief Technology Officer. Based in New York, he oversees the development of Bloomberg’s global technology strategy. In partnership with Bloomberg Engineering, Shawn and his team are instrumental in developing the company’s market data, analytics, news and community products, researching existing and emerging technologies and architecting strategic technical solutions – including enhancements to its core business, the Bloomberg Terminal.
In his role, Shawn advances the company’s engagement with academia, including research fellowships, grants and sponsorships, and also leads engagement with the open source community and the broader developer community.
Shawn has repeatedly been named one of the financial industry’s top ten technology leaders by Institutional Investor.
Previously, Shawn ran Bloomberg’s global Engineering group where he helped streamline the product development process, bolster the Bloomberg network’s technical infrastructure and create a user-experience (UX) design team, which now influences product development company-wide.
Prior to joining Bloomberg in 2003, Shawn worked for Bear Stearns & Co. and also held positions at Mentor Graphics and IBM. Shawn received B.S. and M.S. degrees from Columbia University’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.



Mi. 17. November 2021